Thursday, May 20, 2010

Life's Most Important Questions ...

Questions bring answers.

If you never asked; you might not know so many things in life. So what's wrong in asking ... ?

- What is life? What does it mean?

- Do you live it? Or just pass it?

- Why do we born? Where are we going?

- Are you sure you going to Heaven? How do know?

- What is the purpose of this life?

- Why live to die one day?

- Is there hope after death? Definitely, if you believe in Jesus.

- What is it to believe in Jesus? Seek Him and follow Him.

- What is a Christian life?

- Are you a Christian?

- If yes, how do you say?

- Is your life fruitful? Where is the fruit?

- Who are you living for? Yourselves (self-pleaser)? People pleaser? Or For God?

- Does it worth?

- .

Just do it, what the bible says.

- How can you do, without knowing what the Bible says?

- Why should you do it? Because It is the Word of God Himself.

- Why believe? If you are a Christian, you will.

- What is Christian mean? That you know Jesus, personally, as you know your closest friend in the world and more than that.

- Do you know Jesus? How much and what?

- Do you know Jesus or you know about Him? I know Sachin Tendulkar, not as I know my mama.

Bible says, "Taste and see how good God is".

You will only know how sweet is the honey, only when you yourselves taste it. You cannot experience the taste just by others explanation. You need to taste it once. Honeycomb does not look pretty for eyes with all bees on it, But the honey drops from it - is certainly precious. Don't look God from far away, and think God is mysterious and not understandable. Seek Him, you will find Him. See for yourself, How Good God is!

Experience is different from knowledge. Isn't it different to knowing what stomach ache is? and actually having stomach-ache in yourself? Only you know how painful it is, at that time.

God bless you.

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