Monday, December 8, 2008

Blameless in God's Eyes

PS 119:1

Blessed are they whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the LORD.”

Blameless in God's Eyes:

In other words, Ways of a man are blameless, when he walks according to the law (Word of God, The Bible, The Book) of the LORD (Father in Heaven). We can keep us blameless by walking according to the Bible. Blameless in man’s eyes, is not what it means. Human standards are far far lower than God’s and cannot be compared with God's standard at all. Blameless in God’s eyes is different from blameless in man’s eyes.

But how can we, sinful men follow God’s commandments?

As I usually say, and the fact is, we cannot. We can do it neither in our own self-strength nor by our mental or physical strength. We can live according to God’s law, only through the power of God, The Holy Spirit (The Third Person of the Trinity). Romans 8:13 says, “…For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.PS 119:9 – “How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word.

- How can we walk according to the law of the LORD, without even knowing it?

So start reading the Bible to know the law of the LORD earnestly and sincerely. Seek Holy Spirit’s help to keep and obey and follow and apply and act on the Word of God.

John 8:32 - “ will know the truth, and the truth will set you free”. Jesus is the truth; Bible is the truth; because the Word of God and Jesus are one and the same.

- Free from what?

Free from sin, free from hell (eternal destruction), free from your turmoil and hardship in the spiritual and physical realm.

And the one, who walks in the ways of the LORD, is blessed. If Bible says, blessed, you will be blessed indeed. No doubht about it, because Word of God is absolute truth and it stands forever.

- What does it mean ‘blessed’ by the way?

All the blessings written in the Bible belongs only to those who follow God’s Word. So make yourselves eligible to to receive the blessing and allow God to bless you.

Questions to ask ourselves:

- Am I worthy to be blessed by God? Now?
- Are my way blameless?
- Am I blameless in God’s eyes?
- Do I know the law of the LORD?
- Am I spending time to know the law of the LORD?

Think about it and answer yourselves, examine yourselves.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

A to Z of Love Relationship

Some Characteristics to grow and stay in Love relationship:

Being Together and For Each other are the 2 Keys I found here in all these characteristics.
Don't try to change your partner. Love him or her as He/She is. That is how God created her.

NOTE: Started from
1 Cor 13: -

A – Admit mistakes, Accepts as U R, Adjust, and Agree (lives in agreement)
B – Bears all burdens, Blesses, Believes, Build each other (1 Cor 13:-)
C – Care for each other, Complement each other, Cover each other, Corrects, Celebrates.
D – Discuss lot to solve and resolve conflicts, Decision-Making together, Draws closer, Delight
E – Encourage each other, Enjoy together in truth.
F – Forgives freely, Faithful, Friendly, Focus on positives,
G – God-centered, God’s way of life, Grow together, Giver, Gentle and
H – Honest with, Honour each other(Rmns 12:10), Humble, Helps each other, Heart-felt relation
I – Intimacy
J – Joyful living(Prov 5:18), Journey together, Joint venture (towards Heaven) – Joined-hands
K – Kind to each other, Knowing each other

L - Love. God is Love. LOVE.

L – Listens to other carefully, Learning together (from mistakes too).

M – Meek, Mature everyday, Means what he/she speaks, March together with God.
N – Nurture relationship,
O – Openness, Overlook (Prov 19:11, 12:16) mistakes and weeknesses(Prov 17:9), Oneness (One in mind, heart, soul) Mal 2:15
P – Pray (together and for each other), Patient, Passionate, Polite
Q – Quick to forgive & repent, be sorry for your mistakes
R – Respect(Eph 5:33, 1 Pet 3:7), Responsible, Romantic, Remember special things about each other,
Rejoice together.
S – Self-less, Supports, Surprises, Sacrificial, Speaks all things, Simple, Sharing in all,
S – Service minded, Senstive to others likes, dislikes, Sexually fullfilling to each other.

T – Togetherness, Trust, Transparent, Time Together, True to each other (Truth), Teach,
T - Talk Godly Things together, with each other, at home (Deu 6:6-7)

U - Uplift each other, Understanding.
V – Value relationship.
W – Walk together in truth and love (one-minded)
X – XL heart (Extra Large) -
Y – Yearn for each other (long for)
Z – Zeal for each other.


Few things not to be, in the relationship:

A - Never Assume things (Never say “I thought”), speak out instead, No Anger(Eph 4:31)
B - Never hold Bitterness in heart (Col 3:19)

C - Comparing relationship with others’ (Ps 33:15) - God treats everyone individually
C – Complaining is a negative character 1 Cor 10:10, Phil 2:14
C – Do not compete with your partner. - There is no competition in love.

D – Do not Doubht your partner, Do not make her/him feel that he/she is not trust worthy
D – Discourage not. It is not a healthy character.

E – No Envy, No Ego - you will love, when the one you love, grows and goes up; not envy.
F - No fear (1 Jn 4:18).
G - Don't take things for Granted
H - Do not Hide anything from other
I - Irritate not.
J - Don't be Jealous
K -
L - Don’t Lie or keep secrets between you two; but within you 2.
M – Murmur not. Murmuring means focusing on the problem instead of the solution and God.
N - Focus not on Negatives and weaknesses of the partner, No Negative speaking
O -
P – No Pride, No Pointing fingers (instead accept your own faults, if any)
Q - Quarrel not, Do not leave your talk go to an argument.
R – Don’t be Rude in action, speech, etc., Revenge not.

S - Don’t be Slow to reconcile (especially after a quarrel or fight)
S - Silence not, on Anger (Never suppress your feelings, instead express in a polite way)

T - Third person in decision-making, in the relationship. Temper.
U - Never be Unfaithful to your partner, in any way.

V - Vindication is God's. Donot revenge.
W - Waver not in the relationship, be steadfast instead.
X - No X (Stranger) allowed between us.
Y – Yell ??? J …No, No, don’t do that … that is one from a Rude person.
Z -

- How am I going to do and follow all these?
- oh Man! Will I remember all these, in the list?

Are you thinking, Oh man! how am I going to remember all these and how am I going to follow these. Truth is you cannot, if you try with your own strength. What I mean is, you can do only with God. "...with God all things are possible.” Mark 10:27. "with God" is the key. Make sure you are with God.

How can I be with God?

- Ask God for the forgiveness for your sins (Forgiveness is freely available by the blood of Jesus)
- Accept Jesus in your heart, just say Jesus come into my heart from your heart.
- Be ready to live according to the Word of God (The Bible), be ready to leave old lifestyle.
- Speak to Jesus as you speak to anyone so close to you, everyday (Pray).

All these characters and good habits will come automatically, when you only do the will of God. When you seek God first, when God is your first priority, all these good things, not only physical blessings and worldly needs; but also the good habits will follow you…

Matt 6:33 – Keep God first place in your life, He will take you places that you ever imagined.

PS 119:9 – “How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word.”

PS 119:105 – “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

You can keep your ways clean, by walking in God’s way. Word of God is the Way, the only true way to life. Life does not mean, eating and drinking and sleeping and walking on the planet without purpose.

Romans 14:17 - “…for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

All the very best for your marriage life. God bless you.

This is for now … If something comes to my mind, will update. My prayers for you and bless you. See you in Heaven, if could not meet you in this worldly life.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Words have Power

Are you careful with your words ?

Words spoken are spoken; cannot be taken back. Words can hurt someone or build and encourage and comfort someone. It can be a criticism or praise. It can be a lie or truth. Still they carry power. Kind words carries love and patience.
Our Tongue represents what is in our heart, our speach, our words, our language (heavenly or worldly), our honesty. Words proceed from your mouth are fruit of your heart. It shows the purity of your heart.

Matt 15:18 - "...things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean.'" -

Your words can make you (your heart) unclean in the eyes of God. Keep your heart clean. How can we keep our heart clean? By filling our heart with the life giving Word of God. Psalm 119:11 - "Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You."

Matt 12:36 - "...for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment."

We are accountable to God, for everyword comes out of our mouth.

Prov 18:21 - "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit."

Every single word we speak are important. Words do have power and they will bring forth fruits. Don't speak negative words, curses or death over yourselves. Speak life, speak promises of God. Say not a single word which does not belong to you. Don't say, "I will never make it"; but say "God will make it for me".

Eph 5:4 - "...nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting..." are not fitting for saints. Don't join people who speak foolish worldly stuff either.

Ps 66:17 - "I cried out to him with my mouth; His praise was on my tongue." - Our mouth and tongue should be used for the Lord and Lord alone. His Word and praise should be in our tongue.

Prov 10:19 - "When words are many(multitude of words), sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise." - so don't be in a haste(hurry) to speak many words; so that you may be wise and avoid sin.

James 3:3 - 12 - More about your tongue... As bridle controls the whole body of the horse to obey, and as a small rudder steers and controls the direction of a big ship, and as a small spark of fire set the big forest on fire - Tongue Control is so important.

Lending to God

Can you imagine lending to God, who created everything. And everything belongs to Him !!!!!!

When we open our hands freely for men; God will open His hands (full of blessing) for you. When your hands are closed, they cannot receive from God.

Prov 19:17 - He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and that which he has given He(God) will repay to him.

Reward will come from God. God will repay to you, when you give to the poor and needy, without any expectation from men. So make use of the oppurtunity to lend some to God... Enjoy Godly life.

Do you know, one way to honour God is being merciful to poor and needy:

Prov 14:31 - "...he who is kind and merciful to the needy honors Him(God)."

Give cheerfully:

Don't simply give, because there is a reward in Heaven and reward will come from God. Do not be legalistic; but give with cheers. Enjoy your giving. God loves your attitude, your true compassionate heart, more than the thing or money you give.

2 Cor 9:7 "...God loves a cheerful giver."

There is a possibility of loosing your reward from God:

Matt 6:2-4 - Let your giving known only to God.

2 "So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.
3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,
4 so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.