Thursday, September 15, 2022

The Narrow Gate

Enter ye into the strait gate, ... because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way that leadeth unto (everlasting) life. And there are few who find it. 
                                   - Matt 7:13,14. KJV

Strait - suffering, affliction, agony, pain, trouble, torment, torture, distress, hurt, tribulation, disrespect, wow.

Narrow is the way and it is the one leading you to "life", Life eternal. There is absolutely no other way, no alternate, no shortcuts to heaven. Your good deeds cannot take you to heaven. Jesus is the door, Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. It is Jesus, the person. 

Christian life is not easy, Way to Kingdom of Heaven is hard, it is tough, rough, bumpy road, it is difficult, is not smooth, it will be windy, troublesome. It's narrow. It's focused. It expects discipline, holiness. It expects devotion and seriousness and total submission. 

So what to do? Luke 13:24
Strive to enter that gate. Do whatever possible to enter the gate and stay on the narrow path of life. Make every effort, Work hard, Do your best, and do everything. Leave the hindrances and attractions of sin, which will lead you off the track. Be on track. Give your life to God (Psalms 37:5), surrender totally, yield to Him. Submit the flesh. Give your 100%. Do not relax for one moment, one day. Need to be on guard. Keep praying. Force yourselves through the gate. Leave aside unbelief and attractions of sin. 

Do what you have to do,  seek God early, seek him habitually, seek Him with all your heart, not just for the sake of doing, but do it with all your heart. Read the Word, meditate on it, chew it, pray it, proclaim it, declare it, speak out aloud. Etc.,

Be one of the few. Do not follow the"many", which are on the wide highway to hell. 

You are not alone. God is with you all the way. He promised us that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Though the road is tough, you will have peace of God that surpasses all understanding. Peace from above, a perfect peace. He is the Prince of Peace. 

Strive - Toil, sweat, slog, hustle, strain, devote serious effort, take it seriously. 

It's worth it. End of the road will be glorious. Other side of the gate is life, life eternal, waiting for the winners. For those who will win the victory, God will reward them. 

Just go in through the narrow gate. You, just go in. Just go in through. Life eternal calling you. 

Monday, August 15, 2022


Love is not a bad word, but simply not defined properly and completely misunderstood by the world. 

Whom to love?
1. Love the Lord. Obey Him. Follow Him. 
2. Love people.

Why love? 
It is the primary thing of the Christian life. Without love, what's the use of doing all what you do?

What is not love?
It is not that the young man going behind a young girl. That's a sexual attraction and emotions, not love. Its like a pure mother's love, without expecting anything in return, just want the baby to be well, protected, safe, be the best, happy, rich, etc.,

What is love? It's not an emotion or feeling. 
Definition: Christ, God is love. 
Unselfish concern for others, doing things for the benefit of others without any expectation of return. Allow others to offend you, insult you, still tolerate and forgive. Gal 5:13.
Reaching out to others.

1 cor 13:- 4-7

Lord, give me love. It's very difficult for me to love a person who is hurting me all the time. Help me, fill my heart with your love, so that Your love may overflow through me. So that, I may learn to love even my enemies, even people who hate me. Help me Lord. Amen.